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Thursday, May 23, 2019

CBD Absorbtion Rate

In Regards to Nano CBD and Water Solubility:

All CBD has a standard rate of absorption due to the way it’s chemically structured and how your cells work. Just as your lungs can only absorb oxygen at a set rate, CBD can only be absorbed so fast by your body. All CBD has the same bioavailability as well, the only way that can change is by changing how it’s administered into your body.

When you take a CBD oil sublingually it’s absorbed right into your bloodstream, 98% absorption. From there it is 100% bioavailable in your body for 8-12 hours.

When you take a water soluble CBD you digest it. The chemical structure and polarity is changed during the process of manufacturing so that the CBD will survive the harsh conditions of the digestive system.  Even with this, some of the effectiveness is lost due to how it’s made water soluble and the effect your digestive system has on it.

No CBD company has publicly stated the exact process of how they make their CBD oil into a water soluble product. This is because oils are not naturally water soluble, so it takes some harsh solvents and detergents to reverse the polarity of the oil and encapsulate it in these chemicals so they will dissolve in water.  

Because this process is so harsh and uses such nasty chemicals CBD companies have all patented their nano-technology CBD as “proprietary processes”, that way they don’t have to tell the public how they make it.

Many water soluble companies run tests where someone digests a CBD oil and compare it to digesting water soluble CBD, giving you misleading results so they can say water soluble has a higher bioavailability. A proper comparison of digesting a water soluble CBD oil and taking a regular CBD oil the proper way (sublingually) will show that the sublingual administration actually starts to work quicker and spreads through your body faster as you don’t have to wait for it to be digested.
Let's put it this way. You take 5mg of CBD sublingually. It goes into your bloodstream, starts working within 5-10 minutes and lasts 8-12 hours, with the effects decreasing over time due to your body using up the CBD, thereby decreasing the amount in your bloodstream.

Then let's say you take 5mg of water soluble CBD. You have to wait about an hour for it to get digested and then start to go through your body, of course liver enzymes will have an effect on this as well. The 8-12 hours of bioavailability has thus been impacted so your water soluble CBD actually only last 6-10.

The other thing that they do to try and fool you into thinking that what they say is true is by falsifying and stretching results they get by doing trials. They hold them with very few people and then do improper comparisons to CBD oils so that they can have falsified and exaggerated numbers they can show. In most cases these clinical studies wouldn't even pass in a high school setting.

Other Important Info Regarding CBD and Verification: 

When purchasing CBD oil there is a very important document you should always make sure comes with your CBD or is provided by the company on their website.

This document is a certificate of analysis and it has 2 parts. The first part is an analysis of the cannabinoids in the product itself. This shows you how much CBD, CBN, CBG etc. is actually in the product. Without it there is no way to verify there is even any CBD in the product you just bought.
The second part is an analysis checking for heavy metals (can be present if low quality soil is used during growing), residual solvents (if a low quality extraction method is used, it can leave chemicals in the finished product), pesticides, and mold/fungus. Without this there is no way to guarantee the purity of the product. It is industry standard to provide this and companies that don't provide it are usually trying to hide something.


By Barb Miller, et al, a HempWorx Super Affiliate and Leader of the Success Team, the largest group of HempWorx affiliates