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Monday, September 16, 2019

Water Soluble vs. Oil Soluble CBD

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a beneficial plant compound derived from Hemp. Not everyone is aware of CBD yet, and the people that have heard about it, associate it with oil. We all know that oil and water don’t mix well. Most products and supplements that we use are not oil-based.

CBD, in its natural oil form, can only be effectively incorporated into the body through a narrow range of uses. Common oil-based delivery methods, like tinctures, are not meant to be swallowed, and for good reason, bioavailability!
Bioavailability indicates how much of any given substance is actually able to be absorbed by the body. There’s a bodily process that prevents effective uptake of CBD oil in the stomach, called first-pass metabolism.

First-pass metabolism, or “first-pass effect,” is a physiological phenomenon in drug delivery science where the concentration of a compound is greatly reduced before it is absorbed into the blood stream for circulation.

CBD can’t effectively make it through hepatic portal vein system when swallowed in its natural oil state. The decrease in bioavailability affects a number of compounds, many found in cannabis. First-pass metabolism only affects the bioavailability of CBD when consumed orally! There are creative chemistry techniques to get around it.
Topically rubbing CBD into your skin or placing some tincture under your tongue allows the CBD to directly enter systemic circulation. CBD tinctures work quickly and effectively. Holding the CBD oil under your tongue for 1-3 minutes, it is absorbed by the mucous membranes of the mouth, where it makes its way into the bloodstream. These delivery methods don’t go near any of the mechanisms associated with the first-pass effect, and bioavailability IS NOT negatively affected.

What’s The Issue?

The first pass effect greatly decreases the bioavailability of CBD oil when swallowed. Unfortunately, nearly all CBD oil capsules that you see on the market will have very poor absorption rates. That translates to taking a 20mg capsule and only actually absorbing around 5mg!

Scientist have developed techniques that are now common in drug delivery science and are super important because almost 40% of new drug compounds are hydrophobic and have the same oral bioavailability issues as CBD. [Source]
Why Water-Soluble CBD?

One of the primary ways to overcome the first-pass effect is to convert the naturally oil-soluble CBD extract into a water-soluble form. This makes total sense, especially when considering the fact that the average adult is somewhere from 50–60% water. The technique is known as Self-Emulsifying Drug Delivery System [SEDDS], and possesses unparalleled potential in improving oral bioavailability of poorly water-soluble drugs. [Source]

Think of CBD extract as a big blob, in oil form. When it enters your stomach it’s too large to pass through your stomach lining and enter systemic circulation without being broken down by enzymes and passed along the liver for processing. When CBD oil is converted to a water-soluble powder the end result is an off-white, water-soluble, micro-encapsulated, full-spectrum, CBD hemp extract.

Why Should It Matter to You?

Water-soluble CBD powder makes the most sense for widespread adoption and use in our everyday lives. When we look at the shelves in the health and wellness aisles of natural food stores, we see an overwhelmingly large amount of capsules and drink-powders. Only by converting CBD oil into a water-soluble powder can we effectively incorporate water-soluble CBD into our daily health and wellness routine

In Conclusion

Supplementing your wellness routine with a powerful plant compound like CBD does not need to be a chore. We have an incredibly complex and important Endocannabinoid System in our body that helps to regulate the function of our nervous and immune systems. Activating this system with CBD supplementation is something that everyone can benefit from.
What is extremely important to know is that water soluble CBD IS NOT the only answer, as many purveyors of water soluble CBD are claiming!! Yes, it does allow for a variety of oral delivery methods, but it is not the HOLY GRAIL of CBD delivery! Taking CBD oil sublingually allows for a quicker delivery method because it doesn’t have to pass through the digestive tract and liver before reaching the bloodstream and working its magic.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

What is the Endocannabinoid System and How Does it Work?

In the 1990’s, scientists discovered Endocannabinoids, natural cannabis-like molecules produced by the human body. The Endocannabinoid system maintains bodily homeostasis, biological harmony.

Homeostasis is the concept that most biological systems are actively regulated to maintain conditions within a narrow range. Conditions need to be just right for our cells to maintain optimum performance. Unique mechanisms have evolved to draw our cells back into the normal zone if they move out. The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) is a vital molecular system for helping maintain their equilibrium.

Endocannabinoid receptors are present throughout the body, including our skin, immune cells, bone, fat tissue, liver, pancreas, skeletal muscle, heart, blood vessels, kidney, and gastrointestinal tract. The ECS is involved in a wide variety of processes, including pain, memory, mood, appetite, stress, sleep, metabolism, immune function, and reproductive function. Endocannabinoids are arguably one of the most widespread and versatile signaling molecules known to man.

This is the reason why CBD, and the other cannabinoids, are needed to ensure that our ECS maintains the delicate balance our bodies need!

Have you had your CBD Oil today?

Thursday, May 23, 2019

CBD Absorbtion Rate

In Regards to Nano CBD and Water Solubility:

All CBD has a standard rate of absorption due to the way it’s chemically structured and how your cells work. Just as your lungs can only absorb oxygen at a set rate, CBD can only be absorbed so fast by your body. All CBD has the same bioavailability as well, the only way that can change is by changing how it’s administered into your body.

When you take a CBD oil sublingually it’s absorbed right into your bloodstream, 98% absorption. From there it is 100% bioavailable in your body for 8-12 hours.

When you take a water soluble CBD you digest it. The chemical structure and polarity is changed during the process of manufacturing so that the CBD will survive the harsh conditions of the digestive system.  Even with this, some of the effectiveness is lost due to how it’s made water soluble and the effect your digestive system has on it.

No CBD company has publicly stated the exact process of how they make their CBD oil into a water soluble product. This is because oils are not naturally water soluble, so it takes some harsh solvents and detergents to reverse the polarity of the oil and encapsulate it in these chemicals so they will dissolve in water.  

Because this process is so harsh and uses such nasty chemicals CBD companies have all patented their nano-technology CBD as “proprietary processes”, that way they don’t have to tell the public how they make it.

Many water soluble companies run tests where someone digests a CBD oil and compare it to digesting water soluble CBD, giving you misleading results so they can say water soluble has a higher bioavailability. A proper comparison of digesting a water soluble CBD oil and taking a regular CBD oil the proper way (sublingually) will show that the sublingual administration actually starts to work quicker and spreads through your body faster as you don’t have to wait for it to be digested.
Let's put it this way. You take 5mg of CBD sublingually. It goes into your bloodstream, starts working within 5-10 minutes and lasts 8-12 hours, with the effects decreasing over time due to your body using up the CBD, thereby decreasing the amount in your bloodstream.

Then let's say you take 5mg of water soluble CBD. You have to wait about an hour for it to get digested and then start to go through your body, of course liver enzymes will have an effect on this as well. The 8-12 hours of bioavailability has thus been impacted so your water soluble CBD actually only last 6-10.

The other thing that they do to try and fool you into thinking that what they say is true is by falsifying and stretching results they get by doing trials. They hold them with very few people and then do improper comparisons to CBD oils so that they can have falsified and exaggerated numbers they can show. In most cases these clinical studies wouldn't even pass in a high school setting.

Other Important Info Regarding CBD and Verification: 

When purchasing CBD oil there is a very important document you should always make sure comes with your CBD or is provided by the company on their website.

This document is a certificate of analysis and it has 2 parts. The first part is an analysis of the cannabinoids in the product itself. This shows you how much CBD, CBN, CBG etc. is actually in the product. Without it there is no way to verify there is even any CBD in the product you just bought.
The second part is an analysis checking for heavy metals (can be present if low quality soil is used during growing), residual solvents (if a low quality extraction method is used, it can leave chemicals in the finished product), pesticides, and mold/fungus. Without this there is no way to guarantee the purity of the product. It is industry standard to provide this and companies that don't provide it are usually trying to hide something.


By Barb Miller, et al, a HempWorx Super Affiliate and Leader of the Success Team, the largest group of HempWorx affiliates

Friday, March 22, 2019

What Is The Difference Between Full Spectrum and Isolate (THC Free) CBD Oil?

Understanding the difference between the these two types of CBD products (Full Spectrum and Isolate CBD oil - THC Free), is an important steps on your CBD journey, if you're subject to random drug tests. Once you understand the difference between Full Spectrum and THC Free (Isolate), you’ll be better equipped to make an educated decision on which CBD oil product to buy for your needs.

Full Spectrum
Full spectrum (or "whole plant") CBD Oil contains CBD, as well as terpenes and other cannabinoids such as CBG, CBN, and trace amounts of THC.

The federal government defines trace amounts of THC in Hemp cannabis as having no more than 0.3 percent by dry weight. This is also typically within the threshold for drug tests.

Usually the terpenes and cannabinoids in Hemp will be in ratios that were naturally-occurring, and extracted from the plant and specific strain.

Full spectrum products are by far the most popular. With full spectrum CBD oil products, you have the advantage of the "entourage effect." This is where all the cannabinoids and terpenes are working together in synergy, something an isolate product will lack.

Those subject to drug testing should be diligent when taking a full spectrum product. The THC found in full spectrum hemp oil products is minimal (less than 0.3%) and typically does not exceed the threshold on drug tests, but there can be an outlier test that may still trigger a false positive result.

Isolate (THC Free)
Isolates or THC Free CBD are typically the CBD oil product of choice for those who get drug tested.

While there is debate over which form is better, this 2015 study leans in favor of full spectrum CBD oil products. There are many who believe that other cannabinoids, THC especially, are necessary to take full advantage of what hemp cannabis has to offer. Ultimately, however, we are all different, and it comes down to the individual user and their needs. If drug testing is a concern, you’re encouraged to seek out a CBD isolate product (THC Free), instead of full spectrum.

If you prefer to use the full spectrum CBD oil, it's recommended that you contact the agency requiring the drug testing first for information on their policy with CBD.

The graph below shows the potential health benefits of the cannabinoids in Hemp cannabis. All of the benefits can be found in a high quality, full spectrum CBD Oil, and only the CBD cannabinoid is found in the isolate or THC Free version of CBD Oil.


Sunday, January 27, 2019

Why Wait?

After two weeks of researching, a friend decided that she wanted to try a sample of CBD products that I sell. We talked about the various ailments her family members had and how CBD Oil would benefit them. After talking to her family members they decided why wait? They had intimate knowledge of how CBD Oil worked and decided that trying it now would be the better option than to get the samples, see that they worked, and then have to wait until their order of regular size products arrived.She ordered 6 bottles of CBD Oil, one for each family member.

That was a wise decision, because every product comes with a 60 day, "empty bottle/jar" guarantee. Why wait, get your CBD products and take advantage of the best guarantee in the business!! Visit my website.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Using Cannabis Oil Woman Rids Body of Cancer in 4 Months

I want to highlight the fact that natural cures will always be better than ‘Big Pharm’ concoctions! Cannabis plants, Hemp and Marijuana, are far more beneficial than we are led to believe. I use CBD Oil, an extract from industrial Hemp, because it helped me with my insomnia, reduced the inflammation in my lower back, and helped with my digestion problems. We cannot blindly believe what we are told; we have to vigorously research and investigate for ourselves. I wanted to share what I found while researching information on the Cannabis plants.

I was reading an article where medical doctors and healthcare personnel perplexed by Michelle Aldrich’s miraculous cure, who suffered from a deadly form of lung cancer.
She developed a low-grade fever and cough which she couldn’t rid. A few months later it got worse. She thought she had pneumonia. Her doctor ordered a CT scan to determine what the problem was. The scan revealed a large mass in the central region of the chest consistent with lung cancer.

Unfortunately the biopsy and staging of the tumor revealed it to be poorly differentiated, non-small cell lung cancer (adenocarcinoma) or NSCLC for short, stage three. All lung cancers carry a poor prognosis but this form is particularly aggressive. 

By using conventional medicine, Michelle had an approximately 49% chance of five year survival, and that’s with only local tumor involvement. It drops quickly down to 2% five year survival with distant stage disease.

Michelle thought she was going to die. But she didn’t. She is busy telling anyone who will listen that, along with diet and chemotherapy, a concoction of highly concentrated cannabis oil eliminated her cancer in less than four months.

Initially diagnosed in January of 2012 and by April 2013 a repeat CT scan showed a reduction in tumor size by 50%. What tumor remained was surgically removed. Repeat CT scan showed no tumor involvement anywhere in the chest.

One of her doctors noted the effect of “homeopathic treatments, including hemp oil” to reprogram the cancer cells to kill themselves.

See how confusing the nomenclature is? To clarify, Michelle did not use “hemp oil” she used cannabis oil which is completely different. It isn’t homeopathic in any sense of the word. Cannabis oil is allopathic all the way; it acts much like a powerful drug, as powerful as any pharmaceutical. In fact, it appears to be much more effective than any chemotherapeutic currently on the formulary.

Only authentic cannabis oil can cure cancers. Please be aware of that fact. Industrial hemp is good for food-grade seeds, its bright green oil can be used in salads. It’s also good for textiles and paper but when you want to cure disease you need the big guns that real cannabis employs.

News Article: Woman Rids Body of Cancer in 4 Months Using Cannabis Oil