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Saturday, January 19, 2019

Using Cannabis Oil Woman Rids Body of Cancer in 4 Months

I want to highlight the fact that natural cures will always be better than ‘Big Pharm’ concoctions! Cannabis plants, Hemp and Marijuana, are far more beneficial than we are led to believe. I use CBD Oil, an extract from industrial Hemp, because it helped me with my insomnia, reduced the inflammation in my lower back, and helped with my digestion problems. We cannot blindly believe what we are told; we have to vigorously research and investigate for ourselves. I wanted to share what I found while researching information on the Cannabis plants.

I was reading an article where medical doctors and healthcare personnel perplexed by Michelle Aldrich’s miraculous cure, who suffered from a deadly form of lung cancer.
She developed a low-grade fever and cough which she couldn’t rid. A few months later it got worse. She thought she had pneumonia. Her doctor ordered a CT scan to determine what the problem was. The scan revealed a large mass in the central region of the chest consistent with lung cancer.

Unfortunately the biopsy and staging of the tumor revealed it to be poorly differentiated, non-small cell lung cancer (adenocarcinoma) or NSCLC for short, stage three. All lung cancers carry a poor prognosis but this form is particularly aggressive. 

By using conventional medicine, Michelle had an approximately 49% chance of five year survival, and that’s with only local tumor involvement. It drops quickly down to 2% five year survival with distant stage disease.

Michelle thought she was going to die. But she didn’t. She is busy telling anyone who will listen that, along with diet and chemotherapy, a concoction of highly concentrated cannabis oil eliminated her cancer in less than four months.

Initially diagnosed in January of 2012 and by April 2013 a repeat CT scan showed a reduction in tumor size by 50%. What tumor remained was surgically removed. Repeat CT scan showed no tumor involvement anywhere in the chest.

One of her doctors noted the effect of “homeopathic treatments, including hemp oil” to reprogram the cancer cells to kill themselves.

See how confusing the nomenclature is? To clarify, Michelle did not use “hemp oil” she used cannabis oil which is completely different. It isn’t homeopathic in any sense of the word. Cannabis oil is allopathic all the way; it acts much like a powerful drug, as powerful as any pharmaceutical. In fact, it appears to be much more effective than any chemotherapeutic currently on the formulary.

Only authentic cannabis oil can cure cancers. Please be aware of that fact. Industrial hemp is good for food-grade seeds, its bright green oil can be used in salads. It’s also good for textiles and paper but when you want to cure disease you need the big guns that real cannabis employs.

News Article: Woman Rids Body of Cancer in 4 Months Using Cannabis Oil

1 comment:

  1. Awesome article, it was exceptionally helpful! I simply began in this and I'm becoming more acquainted with it better! Cheers, keep doing awesome! CBD oil for cats
